
辯證法 Dialectic. 對應.比喻

re-inventing the wheels 是指因為沒有看到前人所寫的東西,但重新到逹前人所想的階段,我最近在留意德國哲人 Hegel 的資料,特別是以往被譯為辯證法的 Dialectic,這真的很值得研究
  這一段 The "Logic of Events"
  Consider a description like this: "A core group began to crystallise around this issue and focused on the irritation which had begun to infect members and the heated debate which followed soon boiled over". The comment contains seven natural metaphors referring to biology, crystallography, optics, epidemiology and thermodynamics. We all use these concepts which reflect familiarity with a kind of "logic" which is common to many different kinds of phenomena, and these concepts are, more or less, the subject of Hegel's Science of Logic.
  Hegel sets to the task of studying these concepts which reflect the most general laws of motions of all processes of nature and "spirit" in the most profoundly scientific manner, which comes close to being a model of scientific thought.
   ‎"Levels" of Movement of Matter
  The world is given to us in various "levels of the movement of matter": atomic physics Chemistry solid state physics etc cosmology, ... or arithmetic algebra calculus, etc. Each constitutes a field of study, a "definition of the absolute" with its own "axioms", admissible to formal logical analysis up to a point. For example, mechanics, which can plot the movement of two bodies under the influence of each other's gravity, but even in the case of three bodies does not allow analytical solution, let alone in the case of a large system. Formal logic cannot in principle comprehend the transition from one to the other.
  Dialectical logic provides the only system of concepts adequate to this task of comprehending the transition, the "leap".
  之前我想寫過這一點,特別是第一段關於語言中比喻運用的部份,形而上的古哲將 law of correspondence 和 law of analogy 視為同樣是很精準的
  第一段中指出我們常用的語言其實不知不覺引用了許多「領域」(這個又是一個比喻)的比喻,我們到底如何能明白語言呢?即是語言中「借來」的不同詞?這些比喻能「互通」,我們可以設想「領域 A」與「領域 B」之間能互為比喻,是因為有某種邏輯或法則存在,這即是互為比喻,在社會科學中用得十分之多,在自然科學則相對較少
  如果放在古哲的形而上框架(亦是一個比喻)中,硬將世界分為精神物質兩極,則物質的運動之間,領域 A 與領域 B 的運動之間,有某一種連係,令到物理學的比喻可以應用到社會學(例如社會學會說社會動力 social force),即管這些比喻有時並不貼切,但兩個相異領域的運動必然指向(是一個比喻)一個精神性的真實
  這較難清楚說明到底要表逹甚麼,我去找找 Hegel 的寫作和詮釋有沒有更清楚的表逹

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    Metaphysics Correspondence

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